How to Manage Referee Fees By Pay Schedules

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This article details how referee fees can be managed by pay schedules. You should track referee fees by pay schedule if referees are paid differently based on factors other than level of the assignment (e.g. years experience). Note: Referee fees are optional and assignors can choose not to track referee fees.

How do I get to the page?

After logging into, assignors will find the link to Organization Profile under the Management tab. To track fees by pay schedules, you should verify that you organization preferences are set to track fees paid to referees (pay based on custom pay schedules). Assignors will be able to set pay schedules by navigating to Pay Schedules under the Management tab. After creating your organization's pay schedules, you must assign those pay schedules to referees by navigating to Pay Schedule By Referee under the Management tab.



How To Use

If you are managing fees by pay schedules, then you will only be able to adjust the referee fee when assigning (becuase referee fee is determined by who is assigned). When assigning a game, the referee fee will be populated based on the referee's pay schedule each time you change the referee. This is a default and can be modified on an assignment by assignment basis by the assignor.

Terms / Definitions

Term Definition Required? Special Validation(s)
Referee Fee Amount paid to referees assigned to a game. N/A N/A