How to Manage Referee Positions

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This screen should be used to manage the referee / officiating positions for an organization. Assignors should create a position for each type of referee / officiating positions that they assign. For example, in baseball assignors might create positions for Home Plate & First Base. In soccer, an assignor might create positions for Referee, Assistant Referee 1, Assistant Referee 2 and Fourth Official.

How do I get to the page?

After logging into, assignors will find the link to Positions under the Management tab.



How To Use

Initially, no positions will exist for your organization. You should press the Add button, then enter the following information:
  • Position Name
  • Order Number
To add the position, press the Add button. After a position has been added, Edit & Delete buttons will appear next to each position. These buttons will allow you to edit and delete positions that you have already added. In addition, next to each position (if you have more than 1 position) will be an up arrow, down arrow or both. These arrows can be used to adjust the ordering for the positions. The ordering is important because this is the order that the positions will appear for assignments.

Terms / Definitions

Term Definition Required? Special Validation(s)
Position Name Name of the referee / officiating position. Yes Must be Unique
Order Number The order or priority of the position. Referees assigned to games will appear in this order. Yes